vr 1 mrt - 2024 vrijdag 1 maart 2024

WOMEN’S DAY | One World, Thousand Women

On the 8th of March Movies That Matter, Hoogt on Tour and De Nijverheid will have an inspiring and empowering celebration of International Women’s Day under the theme “One World, Thousand Women” with a special focus on women in art and their repression.

We screen 4 international shorts about women as agents of change. We complete this program with engaged after talks, performances and good drinks at the cultural free port, De Nijverheid.

Join us, get inspired and celebrate!


And Me, I’m Dancing Too – Mohammad Valizadegan

Iran – 21 min – English subs
Saba, an Iranian girl, is a dancer. She wants to be indifferent to her surroundings and project this self-being and freedom with her “body”. She is in love with the art of dancing, the art of letting go and living away from conventional bonds but the art of being is forbidden in an ultimately religious state who ignores the very basic human rights. The film is an honest portrait of the daily oppression women have to deal with in Iran towards the path to freedom.

Samira’s Camera – Paula Kweskin

US – 4 min – English subs
Samira is a filmmaker, young mother, and wife who was uprooted from her home following personal threats made by the Taliban. Samira risks her life trawling the streets of Kabul, capturing stories most are too frightened to tell.

Margarethe 89 – Lucas Malbrun

France – 18 min – English subs

Leipzig, 1989. Margarethe, a young punk opposed to the East German regime, is detained in a psychiatric hospital. She dreams of breaking out to join the man she loves – a punk musician named Heinrich. Though the regime’s days may well be numbered, the Stasi informants are more present than ever.

L – Pariya Bakhshi

Iran – 14 min – English subs
Lora and L are trapped in a cell. Dancing, they try to recall their last choreography. The memory that becomes more and more unattainable, with every movement and dance exercise. This film is a tribute from the Iranian filmmaker, to all generations of women and people in Iran and Afghanistan who, because they dance or sing, are locked up in prisons.


Asmae Amaddaou

Asmae Amaddaou (Gouda, 2001) is schrijver, poëet, spoken word artieste, boekenwurm, voetbalfan en all around nerd. In 2023 studeerde ze af aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht. Eerder stond ze op het podia van Mensen Zeggen Dingen, het Nederlands Film Festival en het Vrouwejaars Conferentie. In januari 2024 is ze begonnen aan het Slow Writing Lab, waarin ze van plan is om een heleboel shit te maken en te doen. Binnen haar schrijven en onderzoeken houdt ze zich graag bezig met onderwerpen als kwetsbaarheid, de gouden jaren van FC Barcelona, intersectionele feminisme, de carrière van Mia Khalifa, liefde, Pablo Escobar en God. Ze droomt van een wereld waarin mannen geen podcasts mogen maken, een Afrikaans land het WK wint en Palestina vrij en geheeld is. Volg Asmae Amaddaou op insta 
This performance is partly in Dutch

Elise Richards

Elise Richards is dancer. Last year she published her first concept video about having those hard talks shown through dance by an all-black cast. This video is about those difficult, not talked about subjects. The goal: inspire others to speak up. Watch on youtube.com
Follow Elise Richards on insta

The talk will be hosted by Lilit Zeltsburg


About Movies that Matter

Movies that Matter aims to broaden perspectives on human rights. They use film to stimulate dialogue about a just world, influence public opinion and motivate commitment to social issues and a sustainable society. They achieve this with the annual Movies that Matter festival, educational screenings for students and schoolchildren and by organising year-round events and screenings in the Netherlands. In countries where human rights and press freedom are under pressure, it supports film festivals and mobile cinema projects through grants, workshops, training and advice. moviesthatmatter.nl

About De Nijverheid

De Nijverheid is a cultural free port in Utrecht with studios and creative workplaces for more than 50 autonomous artists, designers and creative makers. It all started at the end of 2017 with a bare warehouse, a dusty office building and an industrial outdoor area full of possibilities. Since that time, it has been demolished, built, collected and created with great zeal and industry with the mission: to be a free port for the arts. A raw place where artists can create, experiment and exhibit. And a place where you can be inspired not only as a maker, but also as an art and culture lover.


Nijverheidskade 15, 3534 AZ Utrecht – (check Google Maps)

Want to grab a bite before the movie? Of course! The PEUZEL kitchen (@De Nijverheid) is open for lunch, snacks and dinner from 12:00-22:00. The café of De Nijverheid and the exhibitions are open from 12:00.
More info: denijverheid.org

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